Metric Tons to Kilograms conversion

Metric tons (t) to kilograms (kg) weight (mass) conversion calculator and how to convert.

Tons to Kilograms conversion calculator

Enter the weight (mass) in tons and press the Convert button:

Kilograms: kg

kg to tons ►

How to convert Tons to Kilograms

1 ton (t) is equal to 1000 kilograms (kg).

1 t = 1000 kg

The mass m in kilograms (kg) is equal to the mass m in ton (t) times 1000:

m(kg) = m(t) × 1000


Convert 5t to kilograms:

m(kg) = 5 t × 1000 = 5000 kg

Tons to Kilograms conversion table

Tons (t) Kilograms (kg)
0 t 0 kg
1 t 1000 kg
2 t 2000 kg
3 t 3000 kg
4 t 4000 kg
5 t 5000 kg
6 t 6000 kg
7 t 7000 kg
8 t 8000 kg
9 t 9000 kg
10 t 10000 kg
20 t 20000 kg
30 t 30000 kg
40 t 40000 kg
50 t 50000 kg
60 t 60000 kg
70 t 70000 kg
80 t 80000 kg
90 t 90000 kg
100 t 100000 kg


Kilograms to Tons ►


See also

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